When did we stop celebrating individual accomplishments at our school sites? Just this past weekend, I found out I had maintained my status as an NBCT and was very excited as last year had personally been tumultuous. I sent a text to my principal first apologizing for the late hour and proceeded with the great news. She agreed it was good news and that was it. A few days later, we were sitting in the library for our weekly PD, and I awaited some sort of acknowledgement as I am the only NBCT at my site but there was none. For an entire hour, I felt as if I held no value. I have been at the same school for over 23 years. I have seen 10+ principals and numerous APs come and go, but much to my disappointment, the level of appreciation has dwindled too almost nothing. Now, I am not someone who needs recognition but seeing as last year was such a personal struggle to not only stay dedicated to teaching with as very little days off as possible, but I also embarked on achieving certification a year in advance. I thought, as she was well aware of my struggles, she might make it a point to acknowledge my achievement and thus giving other teachers the encouragement to go on their own personal journey and becoming a candidate this year. I felt so disappointed but said absolutely nothing.
In addition, one of the greatest office managers is retiring this December after 25 years at our school with no real fanfare. We are celebrating her retirement during each of our grade level lunches in the teachers’ lounge via potluck. I am so sorry for her treatment. She is the kindest, softspoken, hard-working woman I have ever had the pleasure of calling my co-worker and this is how we celebrate her years of service. She was the first person to greet and welcome me as I walked into the building to substitute and the last person to encourage me to return as a substitute. As it so happened, a former middle school interventive on my behalf and the principal offered me a permanent position. That following Monday, Michelle Martinez greeted and welcomed me to the land of jaguars and offered her support. She has continued to offer that support (paperwork, copies, field trips, etc.) and care (passing of my mother last year, Godfather this year, numerous surgeries, and dealing with COVID) 23 years later. I will be very sad to see her go, but incredibly happy to know she will be spending time with her grandchildren.
In years past, we held celebrations on the last day of the semester with catered food, gift cards, cake, and flowers for those who were retiring. I always fantasied how my last day as a teacher would be based on these celebrations, but now I feel as if there will be nothing but someone coming to my class to make sure all of my personal belongs are gone and the classroom reflects, I was never there. So, I ask again why we are no longer celebrated or is just my school site?