My school was featured in an article for the New York Times this week regarding technology use in education and our new iPad Lab dubbed, "The iMaginarium." This was coup for the school and we have had two major software/curriculum designers contact us within the past 48 hours to pilot apps for free because of the exposure. Further, we were featured on a local news radio station and will be being visited in two weeks by another television station. One would think this is great news.
And it is, except:
Although the Times article was outstanding, the annotated nature of my conversation with the reporter does not demonstrate the big picture. This would be impossible and is not the reporter's fault. However, the attacks from posters and bloggers have begun without them bothering to learn more.
The aforementioned radio station? They titled the segment, "Are iPad's Ruining Your Child's Education?"
Huh? What happened to the real story here?
Lesson learned. Push forward in education, but be prepared to explain, justify, clarify, and move on.
A story that implies controversy can create exactly that.
Here is the New York Times article:
The first blogger response with my comment