Monday, Secretary of Education Arne Duncan, discussed other
countries outpacing America in the educational arena. Secretary Duncan
reinforced his message with the following bold statement:
“The great ideas in education are always going to come at the local
level. What we need is great courage and great vision.”
Let me applaud Secretary Duncan’s acknowledgment that
progressive ideas and sound practices that will ensure educational advancement
for students and teachers will come from the local level: teachers and school
site administrators. If I could I would like to ask one question:
“Who will support our teachers and administrators as they display great
courage and vision with their great ideas?”
Before I share my story of courage, vision, ideas and the
fallout from such progressive thinking, I am curious as to the stories of my
fellow colleagues. Does anybody have a story they would like to share about a
time when they diverted from the norm, or as my fellow blogger Mike Lee terms
“TTWWADI” (That’s The Way We’ve Always Done It)?