A Cat, a Washing Machine, and a Tornado

Amethyst Hinton Sainz Assessment, Books, Current Affairs, Education, Education Policy, Professional Development, Teacher Leadership

Are you caught in a tornado? Is school a cat or a washing machine? I synthesize how ideas of embracing volatility outlined by Nassim Nicholas Taleb relate to principles of the Global Fourth Way in education outlined by Andy Hargreaves and Dennis Shirley.

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The Last Day

Jen Robinson Education, Elementary

Wow, today is the last day with kids. Where has the year gone? When I reflect back I know we have a long way to go, but we will achieve greatness. Some accomplishments that may go unnoticed as we pack up the

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It’s Cultural

Eve Rifkin Uncategorized

As a school administrator, I get dozens of emails a week from companies selling programs designed to facilitate any number of "school reform" efforts. I put "school reform" in quotes the way someone might put air quotes around "day off"

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Hungry Students

John Spencer Social Issues

"Mr. Spencer, we don't have enough breakfasts for the whole class," a kid complains. I double-check the numbers. Zero absent on Cocoa Puffs day, which means that unlike yogurt day, they're all having breakfast.  A boy pulls me aside and

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