The past few months have been blurry. It is hard to believe that it is already March only a few weeks away from spring break. Last night when I got home I asked my husband, who is also a teacher how his day was. He just shook his head and replied, “Don’t ask.” He was still stewing over the news. Is there any good news out there? Why are politicians trying to use teachers as a scapegoat for budget woes? John Stewart of the Daily Show said it more eloquently Monday night. The greed that has pushed teachers into their profession has corrupted them. So it is our fault that states and our nation are in debt? Hmm by eliminating our right to collectively bargain that will solve the budget deficit?
I just don’t get it. Politicians and news commentary making comments like, “Teachers have no incentive to do a good job.” “Teaching is a part time job; they are done at 2:30.” I just don’t understand. When did teachers and other public employees become the problem?
I recently read a blog by Tracey – Another Hit to the Union from Stories from School Washington. She speaks to the unethical conduct in Wisconsin, as well as, Providence, Rhode Island, where pink slips where issued to all of their 1,926 teachers. I understand that budget cuts are hitting deep, but are these measures the best way to solve the problem?
This makes me think about our district and teachers who will receive a RIF (Reduction in Force) letter. These are quality teachers who just happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. These are teachers who come to work at 6:00 and leave at 6:00. These are teachers who examine their students’ learning and ask what else can we do? It just doesn’t seem right.