
Teacher Eval: Hunger Games Style

Alaina Adams Assessment, Education, Elementary, Games, Life in the Classroom, Literacy, Mathematics, Mentoring, National Board Certification, Parent Involvment, Professional Development, Social Issues, Sports, Teacher Leadership

Yes, the geeky-English teacher that I am has jumped all over The Hunger Games craze. Yes, I’ve coerced all of my students into buying the book to use in class, most of us have seen the movie, plan to blog

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NCLB-Common Core-Value-Added-Limerick-of-all-Limericks

Alaina Adams Assessment, Education, Education Policy, Life in the Classroom, Professional Development, Social Issues, Teacher Leadership

There once was a passionate teacher, Who cheered with her students in bleachers. Then bubble sheets came, "Data management” reigned, And now her students can’t reach her. *Sometimes, a seemingly-nonsensical poem just says thingsbest.

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